How do I use the package Sample data?#

Sample data#

DeepForest comes with a small set of sample data that can be used to test out the provided examples. The data resides in the DeepForest data directory. Use the get_data helper function to locate the path to this directory, if needed.

from deepforest import get_data
# Retrieve sample image path
sample_image = get_data("OSBS_029.png")
# '[path]...../deepforest/data/OSBS_029.png'

To use images other than those in the sample data directory, provide the full path for the images.

from deepforest import main, get_data

# Initialize the model and load the pre-trained release model
model = main.deepforest()

# Load a pretrained tree detection model from Hugging Face
model.load_model(model_name="weecology/deepforest-tree", revision="main")

# Use predict_image to get bounding boxes from a custom image path
image_path = get_data("OSBS_029.png")
boxes = model.predict_image(path=image_path, return_plot=False)

# Output bounding boxes
>>> boxes
     xmin   ymin   xmax   ymax label     score    image_path
0   330.0  342.0  373.0  391.0  Tree  0.802979  OSBS_029.png
1   216.0  206.0  248.0  242.0  Tree  0.778803  OSBS_029.png
2   325.0   44.0  363.0   82.0  Tree  0.751573  OSBS_029.png
3   261.0  238.0  296.0  276.0  Tree  0.748605  OSBS_029.png
4   173.0    0.0  229.0   33.0  Tree  0.738210  OSBS_029.png
5   258.0  198.0  291.0  230.0  Tree  0.716250  OSBS_029.png
6    97.0  305.0  152.0  363.0  Tree  0.711664  OSBS_029.png
7    52.0   72.0   85.0  108.0  Tree  0.698782  OSBS_029.png