Source code for deepforest.evaluate

"""Evaluation module."""
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import shapely
import numpy as np
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import warnings

from deepforest import IoU
from deepforest import visualize
from deepforest.utilities import determine_geometry_type

[docs] def evaluate_image_boxes(predictions, ground_df, root_dir, savedir=None): """Compute intersection-over-union matching among prediction and ground truth boxes for one image. Args: df: a geopandas dataframe with geometry columns predictions: a geopandas dataframe with geometry columns ground_df: a geopandas dataframe with geometry columns summarize: Whether to group statistics by plot and overall score image_coordinates: Whether the current boxes are in coordinate system of the image, e.g. origin (0,0) upper left. root_dir: Where to search for image names in df savedir: optional directory to save image with overlaid predictions and annotations Returns: result: pandas dataframe with crown ids of prediciton and ground truth and the IoU score. """ plot_names = predictions["image_path"].unique() if len(plot_names) > 1: raise ValueError("More than one plot passed to image crown: {}".format(plot_name)) else: plot_name = plot_names[0] # match result = IoU.compute_IoU(ground_df, predictions) # add the label classes result["predicted_label"] = result.prediction_id.apply( lambda x: predictions.label.loc[x] if pd.notnull(x) else x) result["true_label"] = result.truth_id.apply(lambda x: ground_df.label.loc[x]) if savedir: image = np.array("{}/{}".format(root_dir, plot_name)))[:, :, ::-1] image = visualize.plot_predictions(image, df=predictions) image = visualize.plot_predictions(image, df=ground_df, color=(0, 165, 255)) cv2.imwrite("{}/{}".format(savedir, plot_name), image) return result
[docs] def compute_class_recall(results): """Given a set of evaluations, what proportion of predicted boxes match. True boxes which are not matched to predictions do not count against accuracy. """ # Per class recall and precision class_recall_dict = {} class_precision_dict = {} class_size = {} box_results = results[results.predicted_label.notna()] if box_results.empty: print("No predictions made") class_recall = None return class_recall for name, group in box_results.groupby("true_label"): class_recall_dict[name] = sum( group.true_label == group.predicted_label) / group.shape[0] number_of_predictions = box_results[box_results.predicted_label == name].shape[0] if number_of_predictions == 0: class_precision_dict[name] = 0 else: class_precision_dict[name] = sum( group.true_label == group.predicted_label) / number_of_predictions class_size[name] = group.shape[0] class_recall = pd.DataFrame({ "label": class_recall_dict.keys(), "recall": pd.Series(class_recall_dict), "precision": pd.Series(class_precision_dict), "size": pd.Series(class_size) }).reset_index(drop=True) return class_recall
def __evaluate_wrapper__(predictions, ground_df, root_dir, iou_threshold, numeric_to_label_dict, savedir=None): """Evaluate a set of predictions against a ground truth csv file Args: predictions: a pandas dataframe, if supplied a root dir is needed to give the relative path of files in The labels in ground truth and predictions must match. If one is numeric, the other must be numeric. root_dir: location of files in the dataframe 'name' column. iou_threshold: intersection-over-union threshold, see deepforest.evaluate savedir: optional directory to save image with overlaid predictions and annotations Returns: results: a dictionary of results with keys, results, box_recall, box_precision, class_recall """ # remove empty samples from ground truth ground_df = ground_df[~((ground_df.xmin == 0) & (ground_df.xmax == 0))] # Default results for blank predictions if predictions.empty: results = { "results": None, "box_recall": 0, "box_precision": np.nan, "class_recall": None } return results # Convert pandas to geopandas if needed if not isinstance(predictions, gpd.GeoDataFrame): warnings.warn("Converting predictions to GeoDataFrame using geometry column") predictions = gpd.GeoDataFrame(predictions, geometry="geometry") prediction_geometry = determine_geometry_type(predictions) if prediction_geometry == "point": raise NotImplementedError("Point evaluation is not yet implemented") elif prediction_geometry == "box": results = evaluate_boxes(predictions=predictions, ground_df=ground_df, root_dir=root_dir, iou_threshold=iou_threshold, savedir=savedir) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Geometry type {} not implemented".format(prediction_geometry)) # replace classes if not NUll if not results is None: results["results"]["predicted_label"] = results["results"][ "predicted_label"].apply(lambda x: numeric_to_label_dict[x] if not pd.isnull(x) else x) results["results"]["true_label"] = results["results"]["true_label"].apply( lambda x: numeric_to_label_dict[x]) results["predictions"] = predictions results["predictions"]["label"] = results["predictions"]["label"].apply( lambda x: numeric_to_label_dict[x]) return results
[docs] def evaluate_boxes(predictions, ground_df, root_dir, iou_threshold=0.4, savedir=None): """Image annotated crown evaluation routine submission can be submitted as a .shp, existing pandas dataframe or .csv path. Args: predictions: a pandas dataframe, if supplied a root dir is needed to give the relative path of files in The labels in ground truth and predictions must match. If one is numeric, the other must be numeric. ground_df: a pandas dataframe, if supplied a root dir is needed to give the relative path of files in root_dir: location of files in the dataframe 'name' column. savedir: optional directory to save image with overlaid predictions and annotations Returns: results: a dataframe of match bounding boxes box_recall: proportion of true positives of box position, regardless of class box_precision: proportion of predictions that are true positive, regardless of class class_recall: a pandas dataframe of class level recall and precision with class sizes """ # Run evaluation on all plots results = [] box_recalls = [] box_precisions = [] for image_path, group in ground_df.groupby("image_path"): # clean indices image_predictions = predictions[predictions["image_path"] == image_path].reset_index(drop=True) # If empty, add to list without computing IoU if image_predictions.empty: result = pd.DataFrame({ "truth_id": group.index.values, "prediction_id": None, "IoU": 0, "predicted_label": None, "score": None, "match": None, "true_label": group.label }) # An empty prediction set has recall of 0, precision of NA. box_recalls.append(0) results.append(result) continue else: group = group.reset_index(drop=True) result = evaluate_image_boxes(predictions=image_predictions, ground_df=group, root_dir=root_dir, savedir=savedir) result["image_path"] = image_path result["match"] = result.IoU > iou_threshold true_positive = sum(result["match"]) recall = true_positive / result.shape[0] precision = true_positive / image_predictions.shape[0] box_recalls.append(recall) box_precisions.append(precision) results.append(result) results = pd.concat(results) box_precision = np.mean(box_precisions) box_recall = np.mean(box_recalls) # Only matching boxes are considered in class recall matched_results = results[results.match == True] class_recall = compute_class_recall(matched_results) return { "results": results, "box_precision": box_precision, "box_recall": box_recall, "class_recall": class_recall }
def _point_recall_image_(predictions, ground_df, root_dir=None, savedir=None): """Compute intersection-over-union matching among prediction and ground truth boxes for one image. Args: predictions: a pandas dataframe. The labels in ground truth and predictions must match. For example, if one is numeric, the other must be numeric. ground_df: a pandas dataframe root_dir: location of files in the dataframe 'name' column, only needed if savedir is supplied savedir: optional directory to save image with overlaid predictions and annotations Returns: result: pandas dataframe with crown ids of prediciton and ground truth and the IoU score. """ plot_names = predictions["image_path"].unique() if len(plot_names) > 1: raise ValueError("More than one image passed to function: {}".format(plot_name)) else: plot_name = plot_names[0] predictions['geometry'] = predictions.apply( lambda x:, x.ymin, x.xmax, x.ymax), axis=1) predictions = gpd.GeoDataFrame(predictions, geometry='geometry') ground_df['geometry'] = ground_df.apply(lambda x: shapely.geometry.Point(x.x, x.y), axis=1) ground_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(ground_df, geometry='geometry') # Which points in boxes result = gpd.sjoin(ground_df, predictions, predicate='within', how="left") result = result.rename( columns={ "label_left": "true_label", "label_right": "predicted_label", "image_path_left": "image_path" }) result = result.drop(columns=["index_right"]) if savedir: if root_dir is None: raise AttributeError("savedir is {}, but root dir is None".format(savedir)) image = np.array("{}/{}".format(root_dir, plot_name)))[:, :, ::-1] image = visualize.plot_predictions(image, df=predictions) image = visualize.plot_points(image, points=ground_df[["x", "y"]].values, color=(0, 165, 255)) cv2.imwrite("{}/{}".format(savedir, plot_name), image) return result
[docs] def point_recall(predictions, ground_df, root_dir=None, savedir=None): """Evaluate the proportion on ground truth points overlap with predictions submission can be submitted as a .shp, existing pandas dataframe or .csv path For bounding box recall, see evaluate(). Args: predictions: a pandas dataframe, if supplied a root dir is needed to give the relative path of files in The labels in ground truth and predictions must match. If one is numeric, the other must be numeric. ground_df: a pandas dataframe, if supplied a root dir is needed to give the relative path of files in root_dir: location of files in the dataframe 'name' column. savedir: optional directory to save image with overlaid predictions and annotations Returns: results: a dataframe of matched bounding boxes and ground truth labels box_recall: proportion of true positives between predicted boxes and ground truth points, regardless of class class_recall: a pandas dataframe of class level recall and precision with class sizes """ if savedir: if root_dir is None: raise AttributeError("savedir is {}, but root dir is None".format(savedir)) # Run evaluation on all images results = [] box_recalls = [] for image_path, group in ground_df.groupby("image_path"): image_predictions = predictions[predictions["image_path"] == image_path].reset_index(drop=True) # If empty, add to list without computing recall if image_predictions.empty: result = pd.DataFrame({ "recall": 0, "predicted_label": None, "score": None, "true_label": group.label }) # An empty prediction set has recall of 0, precision of NA. box_recalls.append(0) results.append(result) continue else: group = group.reset_index(drop=True) result = _point_recall_image_(predictions=image_predictions, ground_df=group, root_dir=root_dir, savedir=savedir) result["image_path"] = image_path # What proportion of boxes match? Regardless of label true_positive = sum(result.predicted_label.notnull()) recall = true_positive / result.shape[0] box_recalls.append(recall) results.append(result) results = pd.concat(results) box_recall = np.mean(box_recalls) # Only matching boxes are considered in class recall matched_results = results[results.predicted_label.notnull()] class_recall = compute_class_recall(matched_results) return {"results": results, "box_recall": box_recall, "class_recall": class_recall}