
Deepforest uses a config.yml to control hyperparameters related to model training and evaluation. This allows all the relevant parameters to live in one location and be easily changed when exploring new models.

DeepForest includes a default sample config file named deepforest_config.yml. Users have the option to override this file by creating their own custom config file. Initially, DeepForest scans the current working directory for the file. If it’s not found there, it automatically resorts to using the default configuration.

You can edit this file to change settings while developing models. Please note that if you would like for deepforest to save the config file on reload (using deepforest.save_model), the config.yml must be updated instead of updating the dictionary of an already loaded model.

# Config file for DeepForest pytorch module

# Cpu workers for data loaders
# Dataloaders
workers: 1
devices: auto
accelerator: auto
batch_size: 1

# Model Architecture
architecture: 'retinanet'
num_classes: 1
nms_thresh: 0.05

# Architecture specific params
    # Non-max supression of overlapping predictions
    score_thresh: 0.1

    # Optimizer initial learning rate
    lr: 0.001

    # Print loss every n epochs
    epochs: 1
    # Useful debugging flag in pytorch lightning, set to True to get a single batch of training to test settings.
    fast_dev_run: False
    # pin images to GPU memory for fast training. This depends on GPU size and number of images.
    preload_images: False
    # callback args
    # Intersection over union evaluation
    iou_threshold: 0.4
    val_accuracy_interval: 20

Passing config arguments at runtime using a dict#

It can often be useful to pass config args directly to a model instead of editing the config file. By using a dict containing the config keys and their values. Values provided in this dict will override values provided in deepforest_config.yml.

# Default model has 1 class
m = main.deepforest()

# But we can override using config args, make sure to specify a new label dict.
m = main.deepforest(config_args={"num_classes":2}, label_dict={"Alive":0,"Dead":1})

# These can also be nested for train and val arguments
m = main.deepforest(config_args={"train":{"epochs":7}})



Number of workers to perform asynchronous data generation during model training. Corresponds to num_workers in pytorch base class. To turn off asynchronous data generation set workers = 0.


The number of cpus/gpus to use during model training. Deepforest has been tested on up to 8 gpu and follows a pytorch lightning module, which means it can inherit any of the scaling functionality from this library, including TPU support.


Most commonly, cpu, gpu or tpu as well as other options listed:

If gpu, it can be helpful to specify the data parallelization strategy. This can be done using the strategy arg in main.create_trainer()

model.create_trainer(logger=comet_logger, strategy="ddp")

This is passed to the pytorch-lightning trainer, documented in the link above for multi-gpu training.


Number of images per batch during training. GPU memory limits this usually between 5-10


Non-max suppression threshold. The higher scoring predicted box is kept when predictions overlap by greater than nms_thresh. For details see torchvision docs


Score threshold of predictions to keep. Predictions with less than this threshold are removed from output. The score threshold can be updated anytime by modifying the config. For example, if you want predictions with boxes greater than 0.3, update the config

m.config["score_thresh"] = 0.3

This will be updated when you can predict_tile, predict_image, predict_file, or evaluate



Path to csv_file for training annotations. Annotations are .csv files with headers image_path, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, label. image_path are relative to the root_dir. For example this file should have entries like myimage.tif not /path/to/myimage.tif


Directory to search for images in the csv_file image_path column


Learning rate for the training optimization. By default the optimizer is stochastic gradient descent with momentum. A learning rate scheduler is used based on validation loss

optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config["train"]["lr"], momentum=0.9)
self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(self.optimizer, mode='min', 
                                                   factor=0.1, patience=10, 
                                                   verbose=True, threshold=0.0001, 
                                                   threshold_mode='rel', cooldown=0, 
                                                   min_lr=0, eps=1e-08)

This scheduler can be overwritten by replacing the model class

m = main.deepforest()
m.scheduler = <>


The number of times to run a full pass of the dataloader during model training.


A useful pytorch lightning flag that will run a debug run to test inputs. See pytorch lightning docs


For large training runs, the time spent reading each image and passing it to the GPU can be a significant performance bottleneck.

If the training dataset is small enough to fit into GPU memory, pinning the entire dataset to memory before training will increase training speed. Warning, if the pinned memory is too large, the GPU will overflow/core dump and training will crash.


Optional validation dataloader to run during training.


Path to csv_file for validation annotations. Annotations are .csv files with headers image_path, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, label. image_path are relative to the root_dir. For example this file should have entries like myimage.tif not /path/to/myimage.tif


Directory to search for images in the csv_file image_path column


Compute and log the classification accuracy of the predicted results computed every X epochs. This incurs some reductions in speed of training and is most useful for multi-class models. To deactivate, set to an number larger than epochs.